Chromashift IR High Contrast
Medium Light
This is our new 50RHC – this is an evolution of the 50RHC which has been the best-selling lens historically for Pilla. This new 50 uses the IR tech and has a touch more red in the lens for higher attenuation of the color spectrum needed for target enhancement in medium light. This is a medium light lens where light is filtered through clouds but yellow in nature... not grey overcast.
New nose saddle.
The new ICE technology from Pilla delivers lenses from Zeiss that benefit from cutting edge engineering of coating science. A multi-layer coating application that improves a significant number of technical must haves in producing the best lenses available for the athlete. The lenses benefit from principals that deploy the best of Hydrophobics and a proprietary Hydrophilic technology on the backside of the lens. The ICE nomenclature delivers a technology that makes the lens surfaces v
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